A Review of Recursion by Blake Crouch
A sestina
Can you trust your own memory?
You live in your own perspective;
the end is death.
Recursion is life inside a circle.
Barry and Helena remember.
Using Helena’s machine
life becomes death becomes life becomes the machine.
Recursion is life inside “False Memory
Syndrome”; try to remember
the same story from a different perspective;
try to pause the cartwheeling circle
of science: fiction and death.
Would you choose death
by machine
to restart the circle
of your memory?
To live a new life with a new perspective
and still remember
everything? What if you could remember
your own death?
Barry and Helena slip perspectives
with each use of the machine
the plot becomes a muscle-memory.
They must break out of (the circle)
(the cycle). The psychological sharks circle;
the world is blood in the water. Remember,
all we are is memory;
the end is always death.
We are all machines
with living perspectives.
Turn a page, remember a new perspective.
Turn a page, strap into the memory machine.
Recursion is just life circling sudden death.